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Prepare the right way for your European road trip. From applying for the right permissions to having the right documents with you.
Macklin Motors

Your Ultimate Guide for Driving Abroad - Rules for Motability Scheme Drivers

Your Ultimate Guide for Driving Abroad - Rules for Motability Scheme Drivers

  • You can stay abroad for up to 90 days, within a 12-month period
  • Make sure to apply for permission to take your car abroad beforehand
  • Learn the local driving rules for a smoother experience
  • Get your vehicle checked to ensure it is fit for the journey ahead


With warmer weather also comes road trips abroad. Driving is a great way to explore new countries, with the freedom of choosing your own schedule and stops.

There are several things to consider before you set off for your journey. Continue reading to make sure you are well-equipped and ready for the adventure.


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Limit for staying abroad

You can take your Motability car for up to 90 days within a 12-month period. If you prefer to stay longer than this, you must request permission from Motability prior to travelling. This should be a minimum of three weeks before you leave the UK.

Get in touch with the Motability customer service team on 0300 456 4566 , if you need special permission to stay longer. Also, in case of an accident, you are required to stay abroad for longer, and must contact Motability immediately.


Travelling tips for Motability drivers for abroad


Certificates and paperwork to take with you

1. VE103 form

This form proves you’re allowed to take your car abroad for 12 months. Request the certificate from RAC Motability Assist on 0800 731 3310 , at least three weeks before starting your trip abroad.


2. Driving licence

Make sure you have your UK photocard driving licence with you. In case you own a paper driving licence or your licence has been issued in Gibraltar, Guernsey, Jersey, or the Isle of Man, you will also need an International Driving Permit (IDP) to travel abroad.

For more information, visit the Government’s website.


3. European breakdown cover

If travelling to Europe, make sure to include RAC European Breakdown Cover on your VE103 form. You can get this for free by contacting RAC Motability Assist.


4. International driving permit (IDP)

In most European countries, you are not required to have an IDP. However, you should check each country’s requirements prior to visiting.

If you are required to apply for an IDP, you can do so at the Post Office. Make sure to check from the Government’s website which type of permit you require.


5. Crit’Air and other countries’ emission control stickers

Travelling to France? Make sure to apply for a Crit’Air emissions sticker before arriving to the country. Due to high pollution, some cities limit vehicle access in cities to meet emission standards.


Read, and learn the driving rules

Most of continental Europe drives on the right side of the road. This can be surprising and challenging at first to British drivers.

Make sure to research the road rules of each country you are planning to visit beforehand. This will help you avoid uncomfortable surprises and prepare you for the journey ahead.


Prepare your vehicle for the trip

Make sure your Motability vehicle is ready to take on those extra miles. Get your vehicle checked and ready prior to travelling and drive with peace of mind.

For a full guide on how to prepare your car for a European road trip, read our blog post.

  • Buy headlight converters
  • Fill up essential vehicle liquids
  • Clean and vacuum your car
  • Get an emergency kit


What if there’s an accident?

  1. Stay calm
  2. Ask the other party for a Constat Amiable, for exchanging details
  3. If you have collided with a lorry, take a picture of both front and back registration as these are different
  4. Take down the other driver’s registration
  5. Take pictures of the surrounding scene
  6. For more information, get in touch with +44 (0)151 240 2894

We hope you have found this article useful and enjoy your time abroad. For more Motability news and tips, visit our newsroom.


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